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Only a Little Crazy

It is coming up on November. Yes. No? Well, in a couple of months, but if you are planning, like I am, to participate in NaNoWriMo, the planning starts now. If you don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it is National Novel Writing Month. I dedicate myself to write a certain number of words per a certain number of days in November to aim for 50,000 words in order to write a novel.

I am not ashamed to say I did not make the 50,000 word goal; but, I came close. I also achieved the main writing for our first middle grade novel in a series featuring our Fingerprint Fairies and a Thumbprint Troll characters. Well, now, I am planning for the next novel in the series.

Our main protagonist, Nell, has discovered a rare gift in her magic during the first adventure and now we need to see where it leads. Her “partner” in crime, Indy, needs to stretch his wings beyond the training level to the practical application of scouting and tracking. After all, there is still these strange creatures out there sucking up magic to figure out. Hmmmmm, this could be a story.

The difficult part for me is that my granddaughter’s birthday is in November; and of course, there is Thanksgiving! These all involve traveling several days. Which in this world of covid-19 takes a bit of caution and planning. Yeah, I know, with all these obligations, 50,000 words might only be a little crazy.

To join us at NaNoWriMo go to

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